-English text below-
Is jouw kind (tussen 4 en 8 jaar) de volgende Van Gogh? Doe mee met de leuke schilderworkshops van Amsterdam Tales! Kunstenares Laura García laat bij elke workshop verschillende technieken (zoals acryl, tempera, pastel, inkt) zien, dus elke workshop is anders. Taal is geen probleem, de voertaal is Engels, maar er wordt ook Nederlands en Spaans gesproken.
Reserveer je plek via: amsterdamtales.com/en/workshops/painting en trek oude (of goed wasbare) kleren aan!
Painting Workshops for children by Amsterdam Tales
Is your kid (from 4 to 8 years old) the next Van Gogh? Join the amazing and fun painting workshops of Amsterdam Tales!
The great artist Laura García will guide your little ones through an incredible painting experience in which she will show them different techniques every day, therefore, if your kids were on the previous one, they can easily enrol the followings. She will show them how to use acrylic, tempera, pastel, ink, different collage techniques and various tools and the little ones will be able to experience the freedom of being an artist.
Language is not a barrier, the vehicular language will be English, but we also speak Dutch and Spanish and we are eager to discover and share any other!
Reserve your spot on amsterdamtales.com/en/workshops/painting and don’t forget to wear appropriate clothing for painting!